1. Turn the air conditioner off: With temperatures in the 70’s and 80’s, there’s no reason to waste energy with the AC. Open up all of the windows in your house when you are home during the day and especially at night. Studies show that fresh air helps to calm and clear the mind, so let the breeze flow through.
2. Light some candles: There are so many great candles that feature some of Fall’s best scents: Pumpkin, Cinnamon, Hazelnut, Cranberry, Vanillia, Spice etc! Aerosol room sprays are harsh on the environment, and this is a great way to avoid using them. Also, save some energy at night by using candlelight instead of real lights. Candlelight can be therapeutic if your single or romantic if coupled up!

3. Garden: Most people probably don’t have the space to plant their own fruits, herbs or vegetables, but that doesn’t mean it's impossible. If you have an outdoor space at your house or apartment, you can plant a mini-herb garden in a small wooden crate, or buy small fruit and vegetable plants. If you’re not into this pseudo gardening, you can always shop at your local farmers market, which supports sustainability!
4. Transportation: Pollution is a major problem in our world today, and Fall is the perfect time to help save the planet! With lower temperatures, enjoy a nice bike ride to school, or walk down to your favorite coffee shop. Both activities are good for the body, mind and soul. If you can’t avoid driving, try and plan out your days or weeks to help reduce the trips you make.
5. Reuse: The Fall season always brings along a lot of shopping! Whether your buying a new pair of boots, or groceries for your all your Fall soirées, don’t forget your reuable bags. Some stores are even starting to provide or sell really cute ones now too!