Before I start, I'll will say this: YES, I know that tanning salons are not exactly the best places to be! But, as much as everyone talks them down for health reasons, I know that they are still visiting them on occasion when they are looking for a little extra bronze in their lives...It's not always nice enough to get it for free outside!
I'm what you would call the occasional tanner. I'll sign up for a month at time, thinking that I'll have all the time and money to keep up the habit- I never do. After a few weeks of dedicated tanning, my credits run out or I run out of time to go. Since I never actually commit to one tanning salon long term, I feel as if I have seen it all, in my different locations.
Recently, I decided to sign up for a month or so while in LA because I was looking a little too Twighlighty (My new favorite word) I may be a little obsessed with the books, but the look? Not so much-Especially being surrounded by all the beautifully bronzed people in LA! While driving around the area where I live, I spotted two tanning places. The first was a national chain, that I've seen in Arizona, and the other was a local place. I googled each and read horrible reviews for the local one. As I drove to the chain salon, I kind of knew what to expect.
I was completely right.
Anyone remember Sunset Tan? The show on E! that lasted one season and was full of obnoxious employees trying to make a quick buck off of all the customers? Well, this place wasn't Sunset Tan, but almost identical. I walked in to be greeted by a guido looking 20 ( or 30) something man texting away on his Blackberry. After about 30 seconds of standing there, he finally began his schpeal about what beds to use and lotions to buy- His grand total? $330! For 10 tanning sessions and some lotion? Yeah right buddy! Once he realized that I wasn't going to buy his unnecessary products and services, I then chose what I thought would be best for me. $120 later, I was still a little uneasy, but now had 15 tanning sessions in lower beds and an much more affordable lotion, that would last me a lot longer than the pricer ones.
As I laid in the tanning bed for 10 minutes, I kept wondering if I should just ask for my money back. Was that worth it? I've paid $40 for unlimited tanning in the same beds at places just as nice in Arizona! The thought of dealing with the annoying tanning man was not appealing, so I left without conflict, only to be reminded of the situation for the next 3 days as I nursed a sunburn! Ouch! The next two times that I went in, there were different people working who seemed helpful...I thought that maybe I judged the place to quickly. I was wrong.
Yesterday, after a long day of work, I decided to stop in for a quick tan so that I would be beach ready for Sunday. The same guy that helped the first time was there and when I asked to go to the second level bed, he said they were all full, with a 10 minute wait. Being the impatient person that I am, I agreed to go into a higher level bed (Which my skin-tone was definitely not suited for) and off I went. Just as I walked into the room, I saw a woman walking out of the level two bed that I wanted to use. 10 minutes? Yeah right! This is when I realized what the man had done- He put me in a higher level bed in order for my tanning credits to run out sooner. The level four bed was three times the amount of the beds I usually use, meaning I am probably going to have to buy more within the next 3 or 4 visits- How convenient for the man making commission.
Frustrated, I decided to just get in the bed and enjoy a nice relaxing tanning session and then file a complaint with corporate when I went home (Obviously the guy wasn't going to report himself if I complained there) I laid down in the bed, which could have doubled as a space ship with buttons and switches everywhere- Whatever ever happened to simple? Then, mid tan, I pressed what I thought was the fan button, only to be sprayed by ice cold mist that didn't stop for about 15 seconds- I was soaking wet! I jumped out of the bed, pressed cancel, threw my clothes on and walked out of there.

(Space Ship or Tanning Bed?)
As mentioned before, I've been to a lot of tanning places, and although this was has been particularly bad, it made to start to think about the tanning industry as a whole. Are they all out to get us? Are they using the so called "Expertise" to screw us all over and make us buy products and services we don't need? I'm sure there are a lot of honest people working in tanning salons all across the world, but I've come to believe that this, like a lot of other industries, is corrupt. With that said, this morning, I marched right on over to CVS, grabbed some spf and packed my bag for the beach. Free sun is my new best friend! And when it's not nice enough to bronze outside, I'll embrace my twilight look- It works for Kristen Stewart, right?